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Restaurant Technologies Releases Inaugural ESG Report

The report exemplifies the organization’s continued commitment to sustainability initiatives

MINNEAPOLIS – October 12, 2022 – Restaurant Technologies (RT) has published its first Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Annual Report to showcase its efforts in sustainability and corporate social responsibility. The report highlights the company’s ESG strategy and accomplishments in four main areas: the environment, talent retention/recruitment and development, work within communities, and cyber security.

“Our ESG goals have served as a guide to create a positive impact on the local and global environments,” said Jeff Kiesel, RT President and CEO. “I am proud of all that we have accomplished thanks to our incredible team. We will look to utilize the ESG report as a roadmap to accomplish even more together in the future.”

The report features:

  • An outline of company values: Customer, Character, Commitment, Courage, and Community.
  • A partnership with Chevron Renewable Energy Group (REG) to create a circular economy by recycling used cooking oil by converting it into biodiesel and renewable diesel for use in RT’s commercial vehicles.
  • RT’s 2021 Sustainability Impact with almost 270 million pounds of waste oil recycled and an estimated 62.5 million pounds of GHG CO2e emissions saved from entering the atmosphere.
  • ESG initiatives to reduce the company’s carbon footprint by 2030.
  • RT’s investment in its growing workforce with diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives.
  • Work with non-profit organizations such as the Ronald McDonald House Charities, American Diabetes Association, and the Memorial Blood Center, among others, to give back to the community.
  • The additional cyber security measures RT is taking to ensure sensitive information and data is protected.
  • The strides RT is making in managing supply chain issues.

RT is making a difference in local communities and around the country with a commitment to sustainability, diversity, community involvement, and online security. RT helps customers reduce their carbon footprint and reach their sustainability goals, and together, they are safeguarding the environment and building a better tomorrow. For RT’s inaugural ESG Report, click here. To learn more about Restaurant Technologies and how the organization continues to create a positive impact, visit its sustainability page at https://www.rti-inc.com/about-rt/sustainability/.

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