3 Ways to Create a Take-Notice Resumé

Finding a job is difficult enough, but having a bland resume isn’t helping you out. There’s a high chance that the position you’re applying for has many other applicants, and your resume can easily get lost in the stacks. However, there are some simple ways to make your resume stand out from the crowd. Maybe it’s been a few years since you last went job hunting and you are looking to spruce up your resume. Or maybe you just graduated and are looking for the perfect job to start your career. Either way, here are some tips that are sure to help.

Tailor, Tailor, Tailor:

When writing your resumé, make sure you tailor it to be industry-specific. Not every industry is the same, and you want to make sure that it’s apparent to wherever you’re applying that you know what you’re doing. The hiring personnel sift through hundreds of applications (some of which are throwing a resumé their way just to apply). You want them to know you are the perfect applicant for the position and have done your research. There are many resources on the web with industry-specific resumé templates for your reference.

Additionally, make sure you research the company you’re applying for. Get to know their culture and their brand. Look at their values, if available, and try to incorporate those words into your resumé. Include keywords that are in the job description, as well, and be sure to make a point of explaining how your experience is relevant.

Clean It Up
In any professional setting, you must be mindful of your punctuation and grammar, but especially when writing your resumé. This will be the company’s first introduction to you, so it needs to be perfect. Having small mistakes in your resumé shows lack of care and a lack of professionalism. To avoid these mistakes, carefully go over your resumé multiple times before submitting. Reading it aloud will help you, as well. Before you submit your resumé, have a friend or colleague look over it, just so you have an extra set of eyes.

You also want it to be visually appealing. Each industry is different, of course, but even using simple, yet attractive fonts and using the white space to your advantage can make a huge difference. Don’t clutter it up with unnecessary details and diatribes. Keep the duties simple, straightforward and bullet them to increase readability.

Make it readable
Your resumé shouldn’t just be a list of your qualifications, but a narrative. It should tell a story through your work experience. Show your potential employer how you’ve grown professionally throughout the years, and what you have to offer. This is a good way to incorporate those keywords and the company’s values. Let them see your more “human” side, and that you’re more than some piece of paper.

Come up with creative ways to show your personality through your narrative. While this is normally what cover letters are for, don’t be afraid to give your potential employers a glimpse at who you are through your resumé.

Polish up that CV and apply to Restaurant Technologies jobs here.

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