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How to Get Insurance Premiums Discounts for Your Restaurant

Chef plating

As a restaurant owner or operator, you know the importance of managing risk in the kitchen. Maybe you’re already using Restaurant Technologies automated oil and grease management systems to keep your business and employees safe. Or maybe you’re still considering installing them.

What you may not know is that using our systems in your kitchens can save you up to 15% on your commercial insurance premiums.

Insurance Companies Want to Reward You

Aaron Sutcliffe, Vice President of Bradford-Sutcliffe Insurance, says, “Insurance companies are very receptive if they see that the insured is proactive in loss control and loss prevention. If they can see that, they’re willing to show a reward. And in this case, the most important reward for our insureds are monetary rewards.”

It’s a Win-Win for All Involved

Implementing Restaurant Technologies solutions — Total Oil Management, AutoMist®  — not only reduces risk and saves money for restaurants, it makes insurance companies happy too. Aaron says, “Even if the premium is lower up front, underwriters know in the long run that it’s going to lead to fewer claims. The company’s going to make money. It’s a win-win for all involved.”

How to Get Started

  1. Download our Insurance flyer.
  2. Send the flyer to your broker to get the conversation started.
  3. Reach out to Restaurant Technologies. We have all of the information you’ll need and we’re here to support you and your broker each step of the way.
  4. Let the broker take it from there.

Need help? Send us a note or give us a call at 1-888-796-4997.

Want to learn more? Take a look at our case study about Aaron Sutcliffe’s success in finding insurance premium discounts for restaurants and franchisees.

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