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Interview Questions We Love to Ask

So you’ve finally landed that interview at Restaurant Technologies. We’re excited to see you! And since we want you to nail the interview and put your best foot forward, we’re going to give you a few of our favorite interview questions. We’re not always going to ask every one of these, especially depending on the role and your experience level, but nevertheless, success is all about preparation. Without further ado, here they are:

1.Did you have a chance to research what we do at Restaurant Technologies?

Being prepared is paramount for any interview and ours are no different. We want to see that you’re genuinely interested in working for our company and have familiarized yourself with how we’re revolutionizing the restaurant operations industry. Definitely bring a question or two if you have them once you’ve reviewed our website. We love the chance to talk about what we do!

2. Tell me something about yourself that isn’t on your resume.

This is a great place to tell us about the skillsets you have that don’t fit into your duties/responsibilities from other jobs. What are you interested in? How can your unique qualities advance our team and make you a great member of the company? Don’t be afraid to shine! 

3. We all have a few natural gifts. What are yours?

About what do you find people asking for your help most often? When are you the go-to person, even if it’s not in your job description? Some examples could include: technology, writing or drawing, fixing things around the office, relationship advice or even fantasy football tips! Around here, we have a guy in Training who has a 3D printer at home, a guy in Customer Service who grew up in the flower business and still has connections, and someone in HR who has in her head every gluten free recipe ever created, which is very useful if you’re hosting a party and need some new ideas. Your answer shows us you’re a well rounded human, and that you are aware of your gifts. It also shows me that you’re willing to share with others, that you’re approachable and helpful to coworkers, even outside of your job-related obligations.

 4. What have you done lately to improve in your career?

Are you taking classes or doing research to advance your skillset? Are you taking any steps to improve your weaknesses? For example, if someone has trouble with public speaking, he or she might try speaking in front of small groups for short briefings first. Have you volunteered to head up a project that’s outside of your comfort zone? We love it when a candidate is self-aware and takes initiative to improve where needed.

Any Questions?

The common wisdom is to prepare a few questions in advance, but we hope they naturally come up in our conversation instead of having to be rehearsed. Ask us a question you really want an answer to. Was there something that came up in our conversation that you didn’t get a clear picture on? Is there an area you’re fascinated by and would like to hear more about? 

By the time we get to this stage, the interview is wrapping up. This is your chance to leave a great impression. Having engaging questions at the end show up that you were paying attention and are genuinely curious to learn more about what we do and where the company is going. 


6. What else do you want to be sure we know as we move forward in this process?

This is your chance to tell us you need the month of August off. And it’s your opportunity to seal the deal. End on an upbeat tone–one quick comment. Please don’t ramble or start us down another path. We just want to know if you’re interested and: looking forward to next steps, excited to meet others from the team, ready to make your mark at our fast growing company… you get the idea.

7.Finally, when we say “thank you for the conversation,” we mean it. 

As a candidate, you took a leap: you made time on your calendar, told us some things about yourself and your past, and maybe shared your secret ambitions with us! We get pretty jazzed about sharing what we do and how we do it, so thanks for listening!

Whether we hire you or not, we appreciate you and wish you all the best in your next endeavors.

Now, are you ready to apply? Search for available positions at Restaurant Technologies!

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