Jeff Kiesel to chair CEO Connection Talent Management Committee

Jeff Kiesel, CEO of Restaurant Technologies, Inc., is the new chairperson of the CEO Connection Talent Management Committee. CEO Connection is a membership organization for mid-market CEOs and companies – companies with between $100 million and $3 billion in annual revenue. Through private in-person events, specialized online and offline communications, and personal, individualized attention, CEO Connection connects thousands of mid-market CEOs to the people, information and resources that can make them more successful.

Inspired by C-level Wharton executives, CEO Connection began in 2005 and has evolved into a dynamic community with wide ranging benefits uniquely designed to help the mid-market CEO and champion the mid-market perspective. It is all about CEOs helping CEOs.

The mission of the Talent Management Committee is to:

  • Identify and create opportunities for both individual mid-market companies and the mid-market at large around recruiting, education and retaining talent.
  • Develop and implement programs that support individual mid-market companies and the mid-market at large as they compete for top talent.
  • Connect members to resources that can help with talent management.

Click here to learn more about CEO Connection.

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